Your Definitive Guide to Workforce Management

Workforce and payroll compliance is now a regular agenda item for leadership teams and boards of companies across Australia. Underpayments, entitlements and employee schedules are under government scrutiny  and in the media spotlight. With changes to the framework of many Australia’s Modern Awards, payroll compliance and proper workforce record-keeping are more important than ever.

Managing cost and compliance is only part of the story – embracing the preferences, needs and entitlements of your staff is becoming increasingly important. Enterprising companies leverage these benefits to lift employee engagement, increase retention and control attrition. Empowering your Payroll and Workforce Management staff with the right tools and applications can create huge benefits for the entire company.

eBook Chapters: 

  1. Rostering off profits
  2. Is it fair?
  3. Systems that Enable Compliance
  4. Improving engagement through good WFM
  5. Individual flexibility arrangements
  6. Control your workforce costs
  7. Mobile-first workforce management
  8. Contingent staff and compliance
  9. Real-time Deployment
  10. Going to sleep on the job
  11. Audit yourself
  12. Business Intelligence, Analytics & Insights

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    With digital workflow management solutions, companies can eliminate many manuals and time-consuming workflows. This saves a lot of time for staff and administration, reduces the risk of errors and delays, and provides reliable information about business operations. With real-time data, the company always knows what it is all about and is guaranteed a factual and valid decision-making basis to optimise the use of time and resources, respond promptly to possible changes and achieve savings.

    Consistency and transparency are key to time and attendance management, planning and departure. Employees must have a clear understanding of the processes and principles behind the procedures and must be assured that they are being applied fairly in the organisation.

    An IT system with well-integrated and dedicated systems has always provided flexible and effective support to the company’s business processes. Therefore, the best solution is to integrate the Workforce Management system with other operating systems of the company such as ERP, HR and payroll systems. In this way, valuable and up-to-date information can be used wherever and whenever it is needed – without the risk of manual errors and delays. In addition, there are a number of administrative procedures for payroll, production planning, purchasing, logistics, inventory, sales, management and so on.

    The cost of a Workforce Management solution usually depends on how many employees will record their time in the system, the size of the operation and what recording equipment the company chooses. As such, the costs consist of a basic investment in the required software and hardware, as well as an annual support and maintenance fee.

    The specific implementation process varies from company to company and is planned individually. However, the process will include the following steps:

    • Preparation: A complete on-site study that identifies all relevant issues, such as working time rules, local agreements, potential third-party suppliers, and more, and a planning meeting where the parties determine who is responsible for what.
    • Implementation: Solution setup / configuration, superuser training and pilot project / test
    • Operations – which can be completed in stages – and provision of support